
Wednesday 8 July 2015

A Picture with Fifteen Facts ~Gyaru Blogging Meme~

I know this isn't the most beautiful photo of me, but this is the real me. And I love that little marshmellow next to me.

1. I am a mother.
Some of you might know that already, but for those of you that don't, I have a beautiful 17 month old daughter named Yuuna (優波) and she is everything to me. Sometimes I get sick of motherhood, but when she smiles at me or calls out for me, I snap out of it and realise that I would never give this up for the world.

2. I still want to move back to Japan.
When me and Shun decided to move to Australia, he said to me it would be good to go back for a year and see if I still want to go to Japan. It's almost 3 years later and a day hasn't passed that I didn't want to go back.

3. I actually went to Japan because I wanted to become an Idol.
Okay, I'm a bit embarrassed about this one. I used to do my own fandubs of anime songs and I was so into it. I didn't think I was the best singer in the world, but it was my dream. And I wish I pursued it a bit more instead of procrastinating the whole time I was in Japan.

4. I'm half Italian.
My dad's parents are both Italian and were born in Italy. My dad was born in Australia and his first language was actually Italian. He taught me a little when I was younger, but ended up stopping so I never fully grasped it.

5. I've been to 3 different high schools.
The first one was before we moved. The second one I left after a year because I was being bullied really badly. The third and last one is where I have all of my memories, and I'll never forget my friends from that time!

6. I'm studying Early Childhood Education and Care.
This means I can work at a daycare or preschool. I am about to start my Diploma this Monday and that will go for another year. I have already completed my Cert 111, but the Diploma will give me more power in the field, and it has better pay. Eventually, I am thinking I would like to get a Bachelor in Early Childhood Education and become a Primary School Teacher, and I would LOVE to teach Kindergarten!

7. I am a Jack of all trades, and a master of none.
I have a lot of hobbies, drawing, singing, craft, making videos, fashion, makeup.... but I never pursue anything fully because I get bored. So I'll move onto the next hobby... and because I do that I can never get REALLY good at anything, just better than average good. It's a blessing and a curse, because I can pick things up fairly quickly, but I'll never be amazing at anything.

8. I am a Libran, and a Libran through and through!
I am so indecisive, and hate confrontation. I would rather sit there and eat the wrong meal than bring it up. And if you ask me to make a choice, you better be willing to wait all day because I can't! I also am normally the peacemaker, and the person everyone confides in.

9. I like shopping... maybe a little too much.
I find myself shopping a bit more than I should. I would never spend more than I have, and will NEVER get a credit card, but I know I could save so much more money, but it just burns a hole in my pocket!

10. I'd love more friends from the gyaru community.
Infact, I don't really have any. Please don't feel afraid to comment or leave me a link to your blog, I'd love some friends who share in this interest!

11. I love spicy food.
Yes, the hotter the better. I do have my limits, but they are pretty high above the norm. I never really cared for spicy food until I got pregnant, now I need spice if there should be. And tabasco has become my best friend!

12. I also really love cooking.
I love finding new recipies, cooking them through and trying them. The next time round, I always put my own spin on it. I love finding new food combinations and cooking for my family!

13. I am a vegetarian.
I was vegan for 2 years, but since going back to Japan last year, I've gone back to being a vegetarian. I still feel guilty, and know that veganism is the best diet. But... cheese!!!

14. I used to have really bad depression.
I went and saw therapists, was on medication, the whole shebang!! But I got over it by myself and have never looked back. I still get sad sometimes but I can deal with it so much better now, and I love myself and am starting to feel more confident within myself.

15. I lived in Japan for 1 year.
I went to two different language schools, and have a few videos about how I got to do that. I am also going to make some videos about each school to give you guys an idea on what they were like!

I hope you enjoyed reading this, and be sure to comment so I can meet you guys!



  1. Hi Vee! I came across you on youtube today and have been fascinated by your life thus far all morning hahaha~ Being half Japanese myself, I'm very interested in your Japanese improvement and Yuuna! She is adorable ahhhh!!! I'm also live in Adelaide so I can relate to you somewhat, and hope to go to Japan in the future! Loved learning a bit more about you, I'll be following your blog! ;)

    1. Hi Melon! I am sorry I never replied, I still haven't gotten used to blogger and I didn't know where to go to check if I had comments. I'm happy you like my blog! You're the first person to comment on it too >w< Are you fluent in Japanese? I'm wanting to make a series and maybe a second blog about raising bilingual children, and if you have any tips to share I'd really appreciate it! It's also so cool that you are from Australia!! Aussies unite ahaha. I hope you do get to go to Japan, it's amazing over there and I wish I never left. If there wasn't so many natural disasters it would be the best place ever!!
      And thanks for following my blog, I hope you keep reading~~~ :) xx
